Welcome to our lab. The Control and Modelling Group (GCOM) works on two main areas: Analysis and Modelling Systems and Control Systems. We are devoted to undertake knowledge from Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics to build and analyse models that mimics and control real dynamical systems. Some of applications are on robust control of uncertaint systems, Assistive Technology, Hysteresis system identifiation, Chaotic Dynamics. Recently, a great effort has been undertaken to better understand the play that numerical computation plays at modelling and control of nonlinear dynamical systems. |
Postal Address
Control and Modelling Group (GCOM)
Department of Electrical Engineering
Federal University of São João del-Rei
Praça Frei Orlando, 170 - Centro
36307-352 - São João del-Rei - MG - Brazil
Email: lacerda@ufsj.edu.br
Room: 2.03 EL
Interested in Science? Join our group! Proceed a project of Scientific Initiation or Master with us. Get in touch with one of academic staff or get tips with students already enrolled. |
Última atualização: 28/02/2023