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Problem Definition

The Integrated Uncapacitated Lot Sizing and Bin Packing (IULSBP) problem can be described as: Given a set T of periods,  a set V of client orders,  and a set P of products.  An order i ∈ V is composed by quantities qip of each product p ∈ P to be delivered all together to a client no later than a period ti ∈ T.  We assume a set K of homogeneous bins with capacity Q available at each period t ∈ T, such that |K| is large enough so that all orders could be packed and delivered in a single period if necessary.  The quantities of an order i must all be packed in a same bin k ∈ K.  On the other hand, a bin can be used to pack more than one order if its capacity is not exceeded.
IULSBP consists in jointly decide over the planning horizon (i) the size of the lots of each product
p ∈ P to buy in the period t ∈ T, (ii) how to pack the orders in V, and (iii) when to deliver each bin.  There is a setup cost cpt incurred when a lot of product p is bought at period t, and a holding cost ept for each unit of product p left in inventory at the end of period t.  An order i ∈ V can be packed in any bin to be delivered in t = 1,...,ti, as long as all the quantities qip of all products composing the order are available. But note that even if order i is packed in a bin to be delivered in a period t < ti, the inventory holding cost will be incurred for quantities qip at periods t,t+ 1,...,ti−1, since capital is tied up as the order due date is ti.  We assume a cost ft of delivering a bin in the period t ∈ T.  Besides, we also assume that the cost of buying each unit of a product is the same in all periods.  The IULSBP problem consists of meeting all the clients’ orders with minimum total cost.
How to Cite This Page
editor = {IULSBP instance page},
author = {Goulart, N. and de Souza, M. C., Noronha and T.F.and Ravetti, M.G.},
title = {Instances for the Uncapacitated Lot Sizing and Bin Packing problem},
howpublished = {https://ufsj.edu.br/prof\_ngoulart/instances\_for\_iulsbp.php},
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Última atualização: 03/03/2021