Afonso de Alencastro Graça Filho

Graduation, master and doctorate in History (UFRJ).

His research is linked to knowledge of the organization of productive units in Minas Gerais in the 18th and 19th centuries. Its research objectives are to understand the economic functioning of slavery in an area dedicated to the production of supply for the domestic market and its dynamics during that period, focusing on the issue of conversion of the productive structure during the so-called "decay of the Golden Age" and its implications for nineteenth-century Minas Gerais society. Two lines of analysis are used in his work: that of slavery demography and that of economic dynamics. In both perspectives, quantitative analysis will be related to micro-analysis of life histories and the distribution of wealth between successive generations.


Areas of interest: Economic history; History of Brazil, 18th and 19th centuries; History of Minas Gerais, century. XVIII and XIX. Disciplines he teaches: Society and Economics; Methods and Techniques of Historical Research.


Alfredo Nava Sánchez

Graduated in History at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM) (2005) and in Anthropology at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, campus Iztapalapa (UAM-I) (2017). Master in History at UNAM (2010), and Ph.D. in History at El Colegio de Mexico (COLMEX) (2013). Post-doctorate in Anthropology at the Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores at UNAM-Morelia (2014) and in History at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) (2018).

Has experience in the field of History, with an emphasis on Latin American History, working mainly on the following topics: Sociocultural History of America and Comparative Historiography of Latin America. Also has experience in the field of Anthropology, with an emphasis on Historical Anthropology and Urban Anthropology, acting on the following topics: Social Theory and Historical Anthropology of the Native Peoples of America.

Cássia Rita Louro Palha
B.Ed in History and Master’s degree in Education (UFJF) and Doctorate degree in Comunication and History (UFF).Since my university graduate, I have conducted research on the history of media; on the relationship between television news and Brazilian political culture, as well as on the approach and uses of media languages (especially audiovisual ones), whether in history teaching or in the production of memories and historiographical narratives in circulation in public life. I coordinate the extension program “Laboratório de Imagem e Som”, as well as the research laboratory of the same name, which are both linked to the Department of Social Science at the Federal University of São João del-Rei. The program encompasses research activities, teaching and extension related to the use of oral resources, audiovisual and media, understood both as sources and as means of serving sociological and historiographical knowledge.
Research areas: media history; television news and political culture; history teaching; memory; media languages.


Danilo José Zioni Ferretti

Universithy Graduat e and Doctorate in History (USP - UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO).

As a Historian of the cultural in its connection with the political, I engage myself in a thematic arch of researches which contains the relationships between history and the literary, the political uses of the past, regimes of temporality, cultural transfers and the processes of constructing collective identities, both national and regional mainly. As geographical divisions, I engage into researches about Brazil, with emphasis being placed upon Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, also making incursions into other regions in the country and out of it (France and Portugal) developing punctually transnational approach. Chronologically speaking, I privilege the period between the 1830-1930 decades. 

For this purpose, I appropriate the methodological references of Intelectual History, of the History of historiography, of the history of books and reading and the history of the renewed political. In a specific manner, I study the writings on slavery in the Brazilian XIX Century, of the circulation of foreign novels on slavety in Brazil in the XIX Century, slavery and social spaces in Brazil of the XIX Century.

I have studied the political uses in the regional past in the construction of the identity of the state of São Paulo between the XIX and the XX Centuries.

Areas of interest: Intelectuals; Slavery; literature; historiography; Temporality; Collective identities.

Éder Jurandir Carneiro
Doctor in Sociology and Politics from UFMG

He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and Politics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2003). He is now a retired professor at the Federal University of São João del-Rei. He works in the Sociology of Environmental Conflicts area, more specifically on the inequalities and conflicts involved in the construction and appropriation processes of urban rural territories. Has conducted and supervised research in Environmental History, Urban History, Urban Sociology and Sociology of Environmental Conflicts. On a theoretical level, this work is based on the concepts of environmental justice, environmental conflicts and territory, seeking to criticize the hegemonic conceptions of the so-called environmental issue. He is coordinator of the Center for Investigations in Environmental Justice (NINJA) of the Federal University of São João del-Rei), which carries out research and extension activities related to rural and urban environmental conflicts.


Euclides de Freitas Couto

I have a degree in History (PUC-Minas), a degree in Physical Education (CEUCLAR), a Masters in Social Sciences (PUC-Minas) and a Ph.D. in History (UFMG).

I did a post-doctoral internship at UFRJ in partnership with Universitat Ramon Lull – Barcelona.My researches are inserted in the areas of sport history and sociology, with an emphasis on political and social issues involving football. Currently, I investigate themes such as the political repercussions of sport in the period of totalitarian governments and social movements in the field of sport.

Member of the Sport Research Group: Laboratory for the History of Sport and Leisure (UFRJ).

Ivan de Andrade Vellasco

Degree in Social Sciences (UFRJ), Master in Anthropology and Sociology (UFMG), Ph.D. in Sociology (IUPERJ).

I seek to analyze the process of the genesis and formation of institutions, of the assembly of the bureaucratic machine capable of carrying out the legitimate monopoly of violence by the State. It is about making a "social history" of the construction of the State in Brazil, not seen from above, based on the central actors and their decision-making actions, but in the process of gestation of the institutional mechanisms that aimed the State and made its realization possible. . It takes as its object, in one aspect, the administration of the justice system, its practices and its uses and social interactions, seeking to elucidate the process of construction of the State's coercive apparatus. On the other hand, through the study of ways of implementing control and negotiation of the social order, it is intended to articulate the dimensions of State construction and the negotiation and implementation of civil rights that shape the spaces of citizenship.

I participate in the project “Nation and citizenship in the Empire: new horizons”, by the Center for Studies of the 1800s (CEO), which brings together researchers from various institutions. The project, coordinated by prof. José Murilo de Carvalho (UFRJ) is funded by PRONEX/FAPERJ/CNPq.

In 2003 my doctoral thesis received the first prize in the CNPq Brazilian Contest – National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences (ANPOCS) of Scientific Works and University Theses in Social Sciences - ANPOCS.

I am director of the Laboratory for the Conservation and Restoration of Documents and Rare Works (LabDoc).

Areas of interest: Historical Sociology; Social History of Justice; History of Empire Brazil.


João Paulo Coelho de Souza Rodrigues

I have a degree, a master and a doctorate in History (Unicamp).

I have two interconnected lines of research: intellectual exchanges between Argentina and Brazil and racism in Argentina (1850-1930). The articulation takes place at the interface between intellectual history and cultural history, in the perspective of crossed history. I research more specifically transnational circuits of journalists, writers, illustrators and the circulation of their production on the Rio-Buenos Aires axis, having the periodical press as the main source. I am also interested in racist ideas in Argentina, their relationship with the imaginary about races, Brazil and Africa in the press, especially in graphic terms (advertising, comics, caricatures, photos and illustrations).

In 1998, my master's degree, later published, won second place in the Carioca Monography Award from the City of Rio de Janeiro. I was a professor at the Federal University of São João del Rei (2004-2018) and visiting professor at the University of Buenos Aires (2003). I am currently professor at the Federal University of Rio de

I was president of the Minas Gerais Section of the National History Association (ANPUH-MG) between 2004 and 2006.

Areas of interest: Cultural history; Intellectual history; History of Brazil Empire; History of Brazil from the First Republic; Argentine history; Latin American History.


Leon F. Kaminski




PhD in History from the Fluminense Federal University, Master and Bachelor in History from the Federal University of Ouro Preto, Bachelor in Physical Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. He is a professor at the State University of Minas Gerais (campus Campanha), and one of the coordinators of the Center for Teaching, Research and Extension in History and Memory (NEPEHM/UEMG).
He has dedicated his research to the study of the History of Brazil Republic and Contemporary History, with a special focus on the Brazilian dictatorial period and on the relationship between culture and politics. Currently, he investigates the construction of drug repression policies during the military dictatorship.
Areas of interest: Brazil Republic; Contemporary history; culture and politics; military dictatorship; repression; cultural circulation; youth; cultural movements.

Letícia Martins de Andrade 

Letícia Martins de Andrade holds a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp (1990), a Master's in History of Art and Culture (1999) and a doctoral degree in History from the same university (2004), a doctoral stay at the Università degli Studi di Pisa (2002) and postdoctoral fellow positions at FAU-USP (2006) and Unicamp (2014).

She has experience in the field of History of Art, working mainly on the following themes: history of western art and architecture, study of the classical tradition, colonial art from Minas Gerais and history of ceramics.

She is currently the coordinator of the Centro de Estudos e Pesquisa em História da Arte e Patrimônio da Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei (CEPHAP-UFSJ).

Luciana Massami Inoue
Architect and Urban planner (University of São Paulo); Master of Science and PhD in History and Social Fundamentals in Architecture and Urbanism (University of São Paulo)
Professor of Architecture and Urbanism at University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ);
Coordinator of Research Group Critical Analysis, Theory and History of the Architecture and Urbanism.
My research is focused on History and Architecture and Urbanism. At the PhD, I developed research in the History and Architecture and Urbanism field. During my PhD studies, I developed research about industrial and railway heritage in São Paulo state, where I looked for information from economic and social history, and also enterprise history, to have a deep understanding of these spaces. Now, I am trying to develop research about industrial and railway heritage in São João del-Rei and Minas Gerais state territory. Other research targets are: historical cartography and urban morphology, where the architecture is seen as a cultural artifact and landscape element; and urbanism as a product of social relationships, and in them, certainly are included the economic and political relationships. Thus, these researches have multiple entries and interdisciplinary character, with profound historical fundamentals. Coordinator of Research Group in Critical Analysis, Theory and History of the Architecture and Urbanism.
Research/Interests area: Urban History; Economic and Social History; Material Culture and History; Immigration; Cartography; Industrial and Railway Heritage.

Luiz Franciso Albuquerque de Miranda
Graduated in History (Unicamp), master's and doctoral degrees in Philosophy (Unicamp).
I develop research in ​​the history of historiography and history of political thought, dedicating myself especially to the 17th and 18th centuries. Within this thematic area, I am particularly interested in productions related to the Portuguese Empire. I try to articulate these cultural products with the overseas expansion and with the illustrated concept of “civilized man”. My doctoral degree works with Voltaire's historiographic texts and his dialogues with others enlightenment.

Marcos Ferreira de Andrade 

B.Ed in Philosophy (UFSJ), Masters in History (UFMG) and Doctorate degree in History (UFF-2005).

Since my master's degree I have conducted research on themes related to the history of slavery in Minas Gerais, with emphasis on the rebellions of the Regency period, particularly the Slave Carrancas Revolt. My doctoral research, on the other hand, focused on the trajectory of the regional elites of southern Minas Gerais and the role they played in the building of the Brazilian Imperial State. This work was awarded the National Research Award of the National Archives, in its 2005 edition, and was published in 2008. I also have extensive experience with organization, arrangement, description and digitalization of historical collections. I take part in the coordination team of the Forum Documenta Project, of the Laboratory of Conservation and Documentary Research linked to the Department of Social Sciences at the Federal University of São João del-Rei. I am also a colaborative researcher at the History Center of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon.

Areas of research: social history of the slavery; memory of the slavery; history of Brazil Empire; History and documentation.

Maria Leônia Chaves de Resende 
Graduated in History (UFOP), Master's and Doctorate in History (Unicamp).

My area of ​​interest is colonial America and Brazil, with an emphasis on social and cultural history. The themes I have worked with are indigenous Ethnohistory and Girl Guides. More recently, I have dedicated myself to research on colonial religious festivals and various aspects related to this theme. Given the long years of work in the area, I also focus on the organization of permanent archives, especially those of a colonial nature. I am currently on leave to develop my postdoctoral research.

Areas of interest: Indigenous Ethnohistory; Social history of culture.

Moisés Romanazzi Tôrres

Master (UFF) and doctorate in History (UFRJ).

I work in the interrelation of History with Philosophy and other Sciences, especially with Physics (Cosmology, Quantum Mechanics and String Theory), Biology (Paleontology and Evolutionary Biology), Theology and Theoretical Psychology. I also work in the areas of Prehistory; Ancient and Medieval History and Philosophy; Church History.

Areas of interest: Quantum Mechanics; Cosmology; String Theory; Evolutionary Biology; Human Prehistory; Vertebrate Paleontology; Ancient and Medieval History and Philosophy; Theoretical Psychology; Theology; History of the Catholic Church.

Patrícia Castro Mattos

Graduated in Political Science (UnB), Master's and Doctorate in Sociology (UnB) and Post-Doctorate (Fachhochschule Bielefeld - Germany).

Since 2014 I have been investigating the relations between love and capitalism, focussing on the analysis of the domain of love as a tool for reflecting about the transformations in modernity, aiming to understand the links between capitalism and the process of individualization. Considering that love has experienced important transformations since the sexual revolution in the 1960s, either by the increase of the liberty of social actors as by the growing mercantilization of love relations, my interest has been the analysis of the ambivalences of these transformations. In a time of online applications for affective and sexual relationships ruled by the logics of an oversupply of possible partners, institutionalizing free and cumulative sexual relations, there are significant changes in affective interactions. The overvaluation of sexuality and hyperconnectivity lead to new dramas in love relations. The growing difficulty for establishing affective links and recognition in love in a social environment which is increasingly under the control of the logics of supply and demand, typical for dating apps, point to rising ambiguities in sexual liberty and unexpected inequalities in the sphere of love. My intention is to analyse how the growing mercantilization boosted by the hyperconnectivity has fostered transformations in the intimate sphere, discussing the specificities and gender inequalities generated by this social shift, as well as its potentialities and caveats for social emancipation.

Research interests: social theory, social inequalities and gender studies.

Sílvia Maria Jardim Brügger
B.Ed, Master’s degree and Doctarate degree in History from Fluminense Federal University.

I have worked within the field of history of the family, with focus on the slave period in Brazil, since I was an undergraduate student.. My main subject of investigation has been the different aspects of family as an structural axis of society, culture, social relatios, and power. I have recently conducted research within the field of social history of culture, with emphasis on themes related to black identities and religions, music and post-abolition. I am particularly interested in discussing how the black population creates and recreates their cultural experiences and constitutes them as means of struggle. I coordinate an extension program called Clara Nunes Memorial, which is responsible for this space of memory, located in the city of Caetanópolis, Minas Gerais. There, we carry out the conservation of the singer's collection and curate exhibitions. Moreover, we offer assistance to researchers and conduct pedagogical workshops with students from schools in the region.

Research areas: family history; slavery; post-abolition; black culture; memory; public history.

Wlamir José da Silva

He holds a Master's in History of Brazil and a doctorate in Social History from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), has done post-doctoral internships at the Museu Paulista-USP (2011) and UERJ (2019).

He works with the process of building political hegemony, political culture, political identities and the articulation between the regional and the construction of the Nation-State in Brazil, particularly with the press.

Areas of interest: Political history; Empire history; History of Minas Gerais in the 19th century.


Ingrid Silva de Oliveira Leite


Ingrid Silva de Oliveira Leite is graduated in History by the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ - 2007) and master in History by the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ – 2011). She’s a specialist in History of Africa and Afro-Brazilian culture by Universidade Candido Mendes (UCAM -2008) and received her Ph.D. in History from the Universidade Federal Fluminense in 2015.

She is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Social Sciences at the Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei (UFSJ). She has research experience on various topics involving the History of Africa, such as religious missions in Africa, the strategies of European agents (military, naturalists and administrators) in the African continent, the written production about Africa, the autonomy and resistance of Africans.

She’s also interested in topics related to History teaching, ethnic-racial relations in Brazil, representations of Africa and Africans in Brazil in didactic, literary, official and media materials.

Manuel Jauará
PhD in Sociology (USP - University of São Paulo)

Graduated in social sciences from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) in 1983 with a master’s degree in sociology in 1991 of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and a PhD degree in sociology of the University of São Paulo (USP) in 2003. Also, I got a post-doctoral degree in social anthropology of the University of São Paulo (USP) in 2015.

Nowadays, I am an associate professor at the Federal University of São João del Rei (UFSJ) where I give lessons of sociology, I am the coordinator of the course of Post-graduation Lato-Sensu, I teach sociology at a high-school from a distance at NEAD-UFSJ and coordinate a study group called "Tugu-Ná, learning, research and extension".

I am experienced in the field of sociology with emphasis in Black Africa sociology, working mainly with the following subjects: Ethnical Works, Political Parties, Demographic Transition in the Lusophone Africa, Parliament and Political Representation, History and African and Afro-Brazilian Cultures, Societies and Religion.

Orlando José de Almeida Filho

Post-Doctorate at the Post-Graduate Program and Research in History at the Federal University of São Paulo - Guarulhos (2019). Doctorate in Program: Education: political history of society from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2008). Master in Education from Universidade São Francisco (2003). Specialist in History, Culture and Society at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1997) and in Social Sciences at the São Paulo School of Sociology and Politics Foundation (1995). Degree in History from the University of Franca (1989). Degree in Philosophy and Social Studies from Fundação Educacional de Brusque (1983).

He has experience in the field of History and Education, working mainly on the following topics: History of Education, History Teaching, History of Brazil, Republic and Teaching.