Ethics and Political Philosophy

Adelmo José da Silva


Doctor in Philosophy – Gama Filho University, Brazil, 1992

Professor – DFIME/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: French contemporary philosophy; morality and mysticism; Henri Bergson.

Bruno Leonardo Cunha


Doctor in Philosophy – Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2016 (visiting period at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Germany)

Associate Professor - DFIME/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: Kant; Kantian teleology; ethical and political thinking in the Enlightment.

Cássio Corrêa Benjamin


Doctor in Political Science – Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2010

Associate Professor - DFIME/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: political theory; democracy and representation.

Fábio de Barros Silva


Doctor in Philosophy of Education – University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2008

Associate Professor - DFIME/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: modern philosophy; Enlightenment; Contractualism; modern political theory; philosophy of education; teaching of philosophy.

José Luiz de Oliveira


Doctor in Philosophy - Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2007

Professor - DFIME/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: contemporary political philosophy (totalitarianism, revolution, republicanism, power, public space, political body, constitution, human rights, liberty and memory); Hannah Arendt and Norberto Bobbio.

Luiz Paulo Rouanet


Doctor in Philosophy - University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2000

Associate Professor - DFIME/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: political philosophy; theory of democracy; Socrates and Plato; Kant's metaphysics of nature; ethics and truth.

Newton Bignotto de Souza


Doctor in Philosophy - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, France, 1989

Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFMG ● Collaborating Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: republicanism; Machiavelli; liberty; foundation.

Paulo Roberto Andrade de Almeida


Doctor in Philosophy - UFRN/UFPE/UFPB, 2018

Associate Professor – DFIME/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: Brazilian philosophical thinking; education and freedom; political public sphere; Jürgen Habermas.

Richard Romeiro Oliveira


Doctor in Philosophy - Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2006 (visiting period at the Université de Strasbourg, France)

Associate Professor - DFIME/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: ancient philosophy; ethics; political philosophy.

Rodrigo Siqueira Batista


Doctor in Science - FIOCRUZ, Brazil, 2006

Associate Professor - DEM/UFV ●Professor - EM/FADIP ●Permanent Professor - PPGBIOS/UFRJ ●Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: (bio)ethics; skepticism; ethics and political philosophy; ancient philosophy; philosophy of science.

Rogério Antonio Picoli


Doctor in Political Science – University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2007

Associate Professor - DFIME/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: applied ethics; metaethics; political thinking; public policies; Jeremy Bentham.

Metaphysics and Mind

Fábio Rodrigo Leite


Doctor in Philosophy – University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2012

Assistant Professor – DTECH/UFSJ ●Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: philosophy of science; theory of knowledge; philosophy of nature; scientific conventionalism; Pierre Duhem.

Gabriela Lafetá Borges


Doctor in Philosophy – Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2016

Posdoctoral researcher –  PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: metaphysics and contemporaneity; French post-structuralism; Emmanuel Levinas; Jacques Derrida; Catherine Malabou.

Glória Maria Ferreira Ribeiro


Doctor in Philosophy – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1987

Collaborating Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: metaphysics; art; existence; language; Heidegger.

Gustavo Leal Toledo


Doctor in Philosophy - PUC-Rio, Brazil, 2009

Associate Professor - DFIME/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: philosophy of mind; philosophy of biology; philosophy of science; Pyrrhonian skepticism; philosophy of religion.

Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves

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Ph.D. in Philosophy - The University of Texas at Austin, USA, 2014

Associate Professor - DFIME/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - POSDEFIL/UFOP

Areas of interest: philosophy of mind; philosophy of language; philosophy of perception; metaphysics of consciousness.

Ricardo de Oliveira Toledo


Doctor in Philosophy – State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009 (visiting period at the Università del Salento, Italy)

Associate Professor - DTECH/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: philosophy of art; metaphysics; contemporary philosophy; Nietzsche.

Rodrigo Azevedo dos Santos Gouvea

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Doctor in Philosophy - Universität Leipzig, Germany, 2014

Associate Professor - DF/IFCS/UFRJ ● Permanent Professor - PPGF/UFRJ ● Collaborating Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: individual and collective intentionality; the nature of beliefs; metaphysical relations; physicalism; social ontology; mind-dependency relation.

Wanderley Cardoso de Oliveira


Doctor in Philosophy - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2002 (visiting period at the Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne, France)

Professor - DECED/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - PPEDU/UFSJ ● Permanent Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: phenomenology; contemporary French philosophy; education; embodiment; Merleau-Ponty.

Wilson John Pessoa Mendonça


Doctor in Philosophy - Universität Konstanz, Germany, 1986

Permanent Professor - PPGF/UFRJ ● Collaborating Professor - PPGFIL/UFSJ

Areas of interest: philosophy of mind; moral philosophy; metaethics.

Última atualização: 19/06/2024