The Graduate Program in Philosophy of the Federal University of São João del-Rei (PPGFIL/UFSJ) was approved by the CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) in 2018 and started in the second semester of 2019. The Program offers a master’s degree in Philosophy, counting with 2 lines of research (Metaphysics and Mind; Ethics and Political Philosophy), 15 permanent professors, and 4 collaborating professors.

The Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ) is a public and a totally tuition-free university. All students, Brazilian and Foreigners, can enroll in courses and obtain the degree entirely free of charge. To cover personal expenses, there is also the possibility of a few scholarship awards, which are awarded according to the classification in the admission process.

UFSJ Institutional Video

Última atualização: 09/05/2024