The Professional Master Degree is a national program available in every region of Brazil. PROFNIT is a Professional Graduate Program (stricto sensu) in Intellectual Property and Innovation Technology Transfer. It seeks to develop professional training for Innovation Technology Centers (NITs) as well for stimulating innovative environments in many academic, corporative, governmental and organizational sectors among others.
It is a face-to-face program run by FORTEC, a national network of focal institutions, controlled by a Managing council alongside the National Academic Commission that operate under the auspices of FORTEC's Executive board and Universidade Federal de Alagoas, the main focal institution. The program is offered to graduated professionals working with Intellectual Property and Technological Transfer and Innovation within the scope of technological innovation centers (NITs), staff and members from Science and Technology Institutions (ICTs) as well as other correlated institutions from National Science, Technology and Innovation System (SNCTI).
Universidade Federal de São João del Rei (UFSJ) is one of the focal program institutions engaging professors from different academic fields distributed among UFSJ's campuses as follows:
• Centro-Oeste Campus (CCO)
• Exact and Biological Sciences Division (DECEB/CSL)
• Technology in Civil Engineering, Computing and Humanities Division (DTECH/CAP)
• Administrative and Accounting Sciences (DECAC/CTAN)
• Chemistry, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering (DQBIO/CAP)
• Electrical Engineering Division (DEPEL/CSA)
• Mechanical Engineering Division (DEMEC/CSA)
• Zootechny Division (DEZOO/CTAN)
• Food Engineering Division (CSL)
Program aims training human resources to work within the scope of Technological Innovation Centers (NITs) imposed by law and of Promoting Innovation Environments in several academic, corporative and government sectors, social organizations, etc.
Field and Research Lines
Intellectual Property and Technological Transference for Innovation.
Research Lines
Research Line 1: Intellectual Property
Research Line 2 – Technological Transfer
Address and Contact Information
PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Prof. Cristiano Maciel Silva, PhD in Computer Science address: |
ASSISTANT PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Prof. Paulo Henrique de Lima Siqueira, PhD in Business Administration address: |
Office Hours: Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to Noon and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei – UFSJ Campus CTAN
Avenida Visconde do Rio Preto, s/nº, Colônia do Bengo, São João del-Rei – MG.
CEP 36.301-360.
Room: 1.05
Phone: +55 31 3379-4985
Última atualização: 20/01/2021