Summary of faculty researchers with their best research areas


Alex Gutterres Taranto

Field: Computer Biotechnology for Biological Data Treatment


Alexsandro Sobreira Galdino

Field: Recombinant Protein Expression in bacteria and Yeasts


Ana Hortência Fonseca Castro

Field: Plant Biotechnology


Daniel Bonoto Gonçalves

Field: Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation


Eduardo Sergio Silva

Field: Parasitology


Fábio Vieira dos Santos

Field: Cell Biology and Mutagenesis


Fernando Varotti

Field: Medicinal Biochemistry


Gabriel de Menezes Yazbeck

Field: Molecular Markers, Genomic studies


Gustavo Henrique Ribeiro Viana

Fiield: Organic Synthesis


Jaqueline Maria Siqueira Ferreira

Field: Viral Microbiology


Joaquim Maurício Duarte-Almeida

Field: Pharmacpgnosy


José Carlos de Magalhães

Field: Antimicrobials


Luciana Alves Rodrigues dos Santos Lima

Field: Phytochemistry


Paulo Afonso Granjeiro

Field: Production and Protein Purification


Rafael Cesar Russo Chagas

Field: Chemistry


Ralph Gruppi Thomé

Field: Environmental Biotechnology


Rosy Iara de Azambuja Ribeiro

Field: Experimental Pathology


Whocely Victor de Castro

Field: Biopharmacy and Pre-Clinical Pharmacokinetics