

Electrical Engineering Graduate Program - Association between UFSJ & CEFET-MG


The goal of PPGEL (Electrical Engineering Graduate Program) is to train world-class professionals in Electrical Engineering field capable of produce, transform and disseminate scientific and technological knowledge. PPGEL shall allow its students to develop their ability to perform research in the “Electric Systems”, and “Systems Modeling and Control” fields, implicating a mandatory execution of a dissertation, involving suitable bibliographic revision, systematization capacity, and control of the used theme and scientific methodology. PPGEL aims to consolidate the research in Electric Engineering at UFSJ and CEFET-MG.

UFSJ - Institutional Video


Field and Research Lines



Thesis and Dissertation Database

  • Click here to access our published dissertations.


Selection Process


Address and Contact Information


Electrical Engineering Department – Room 3.09 EL

UFSJ - Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei

Santo Antônio Campus– Frei Orlando Square, 170

São João del-Rei/MG. CEP: 36.307-352


Program Assistant Director: Prof. Marco Aurélio de Oliveira Schroeder

Phone: (32) 3379-5867



Office Secretary: Fernanda Vitória Nery

Phone: (32) 3379-5921


Última atualização: 09/05/2024