português, español
Master of Science and Doctor of Science
1. Every student admitted to the Graduate Program in Bioengineering will have a professor(s) advisor(s) belonging to the accredited faculty.
1.1. Each Academic Master's student may have only one advisor, ratified by the Collegiate and belonging to the accredited faculty of the Program.
1.2. Each Doctoral student will have, in addition to the main supervisor, belonging to the Program's accredited faculty, at least two more co-supervisors, all ratified by the Program's Collegiate.
1.3.Only in exceptional cases the Collegiate will accredit external advisors.
2. It is incumbent upon the advisor:
2.1. accompany the student throughout the Program, guiding them according to their needs, in the choice and development of subjects and activities;
2.2. assist the student in planning their study plan and with respect to current academic processes and standards;
2.3. issue opinions on processes and reports sent by the student, for consideration by the Collegiate;
2.4. to approve, at the beginning of each academic period, the student's enrollment, according to the planned study program, as well as requests for substitution, cancellation and enrollment in subjects;
2.5. guide the student's research project, dissertation object or thesis, as well as in the preparation of the final work;
2.6. accompany the student in the execution of the final work in all its stages, providing the necessary subsidies and remaining available for consultations and discussions that are requested;
2.7. authorize the student to defend the final work, chairing the Dissertation Defense Board;
2.8. keep the Collegiate permanently informed about the activities developed by the advisee, as well as request the necessary measures to attend the student during the Program;
2.9. to evaluate the performance of the scholarship student, following the activities related to the scholarship, including guidance in the elaboration of work plans and Reports;
2.10. when the advisor is absent from the Institution, for a period longer than six months, the advisor must appoint a professor from the Permanent Center of the Course, who will be responsible for the academic and administrative follow-up of the student.
2.11. preside over the defense of a dissertation or thesis and the qualifying exam.
3. Upon duly justified request of the advisor or student, the Collegiate may authorize the replacement of the advisor, defining the need or not to extend or extend the time of integration of the Program.
3.1. This request must include the acceptance signed by the new Supervisor.
4. The Board or the advisor may demand, by way of leveling, the fulfillment of a number of credits greater than the minimum stipulated in this Regulation, in cases where this need is verified.
Última atualização: 13/05/2022